A World of Entertainment — E82 | The Epcot Legacy

Constructing Tomorrow

A World of Entertainment


Vol 1. No. 5 Date: 9/5/82


Here's a sneak preview of some of the 23 international entertainment groups who will perform at the Grand Opening on Saturday evening, October 23:

From Africa: The Cosaan African Dance Company, comprised of musicians and dancers from nine African countries, brings to its audiences the rich cultural and historical treasures of authentic African music, dance and percussion. They're noted for their colorful costumes and dynamic native ritual dances.

From Belgium: The Hunting Horns of Hoffalize and St. Hubert have for centuries been the carefully-trained musicians perfoming harmonies on first, second and third trumpets.

From Canada: The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride, the accomplished equestrians, policemen and ambassadors of goodwill, have been a Canadian tradition for years.

From China: The official representatives of the Council of Cultural Affairs for the People's Republic of China, the Shanghai City Song and Dance Ensemble is considered to be one of the most beautiful folkloric groups in China.

From Denmark: The Tivoli Boys Guard, clad in their colorful costumes, are now the hallmark of famous Tivoli Gardens.

From Egypt: Recognized as the most representative folkloric troupe in this country, the National Folklore Troupe of Egypt often traveled with the late President Sadat to perform at official state functions.

From France: The Lous Pastous Seignossais Folk Ensemble, famous European festival participants, are well-known for their unique performances. Some of these French Basque dancers perform on stilts 14 feet off the ground.

From Germany: The Boys Band of Germany, made up of young musicians aged 14 to 18, plays typical German music at many cermonial events in their native country.


© 1982 Walt Disney Productions



Apparently a slow news day on September 5, but it is interesting to note the countries that were represented as the entertainment line-up giving EPCOT Center a very global presence for its debut. In a world where there are 11 Disney Theme Parks, a 12th on the way, and a 13th in feasibility (1), it is hard to put the opening of EPCOT Center into its proper/grandiose perspective.  From a financial standpoint, the park was 50% of Walt Disney Productions’ assets. And with so much riding on EPCOT’s highly experimental shoulders, pulling together as much world entertainment as possible was crucial and evidently highly effective.  

To spite the multitude of changes in attractions, exhibits, architecture, music (and pretty much everything else), Epcot Entertainment has always maintained a strong presence in the park. In almost 30 years, the park (quite remarkably) has maintained a nearly unchanged level of live entertainment. The first group on this line-up, the Cosaan African Dance Company, evokes the specter of the ambitious Equatorial Africa Pavilion. Introduced by none other Alex Haley himself, on EPCOT Center’s “Opening Celebration” broadcast, the pavilion is also featured prominently in Richard R. Beard’s “…Creating the New World of Tomorrow” as the final chapter of the book describing not one but three immersive attractions within the pavilion. (2) The remainder of the groups were either from established nations of the World Showcase or those that were in serious consideration for inclusion. The Demark group from Tivoli Gardens brings the Disney theme park full circle as Tivoli, with it stately gardens and impeccable maintenance, served as the primary inspiration for Disneyland. 


(1) A Disney theme park in India is seriously being thought of, but by the time the project is approved through that nation’s government it might be the 14th park and not 13th, but that’s a discussion for another website.

 (2) Until I implement a new column on “The Unbuilt Epcot” Michael Crawford’s exceptional coverage of Equatorial Africa will have to suffice.    

As was stated in the News Brief, this beautifully composed shot from Dedication Day features the Canadian Royal Mounted Police making there way to World Showcase Plaza.

As was stated in the News Brief, this beautifully composed shot from Dedication Day features the Canadian Royal Mounted Police making there way to World Showcase Plaza.

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