Studios Soundtrack Series
It has been said that while film is an inherently visual medium it is also true that at least 50% of the experience and nearly 100% of its emotional impact stems from its music. Even during its "silent" beginnings, the movies were seldom played without musical accompaniment. As a celebration of cinema, the Disney•MGM Studios had decades of soundtracks with which to weave its soundscapes. From sweeping scores performed with large orchestras to more intimate leitmotifs expressed by small ensembles, the original underscores of the park were used to both convey a sense of time and place while simultaneously providing an extremely effective reference point for the park's metanarrative.

The Disney•MGM Studios Soundtrack Series has been created to preserve the original atmospheres of the park by presenting restorations of its underscores.
As the prelude of the Disney•MGM Studios, this original atmosphere featuring iconic film themes served as the literal and figurative overture to the Hollywood the Never was and Always will be.
As the Main Street of the Disney•MGM Studios, Hollywood Boulevard's original soundscape showcased symphonic arrangements of several Academy Award-winning songs composed from 1934 to 1965.
The gateway to your journey into the movies, this area befittingly broadcasts a collection of Overtures from the Golden Age of Hollywood with representatives from several key genres of cinema.
Featuring an underscore of contemplatively lush “love themes” from some of the greatest romantic films, herein is presented the atmosphere of the ordinate lobby of the Great Movie Ride.
The centerpiece and brightest star of the Disney•MGM Studios, The Great Movie Ride took you on "A Spectacular Journey into the Movies" featuring exquisite new arrangements of cinema's most iconic film scores!
Sid Cahuenga serenades patrons to his charming Craftsman-style California Bungalow home with a collection of Radio Dramas from the pre-television era.
Inspired by the historic downtown Los Angeles landmark, Echo Lake, Lakeside Circle features appropriately aquatic cinema scores and high adventure soundtracks from (then) recent mega-blockbusters.
The Hollywood Tower Hotel is a beacon for the show business elite including some of the most famous musicians of the Jazz Age performing their latest hits from the hotel's "Tip Top Club".
Meticulously themed with authentic movie props and equipment one would typically find in the manufacturing facilities on a classic Hollywood studio lot, the Backlot Express is a near-perfectly preserved time capsule in both sight and sound from 1989.
As the prelude of the Disney•MGM Studios, this updated atmosphere featuring iconic film themes served as the literal and figurative overture to the Hollywood the Never was and Always will be.
The gateway to your journey into the movies, this area befittingly broadcasts a collection of Overtures from the Golden Age of Hollywood with representatives from several key genres of cinema.
Lined with luxurious Carnary Island palms and themed as the “Stars Entrance” to the working studio, Commissary Lane is and is home to the ABC Commissary broadcasting a compilation of ABC TV themes presented here in their entirety.