EPCOT Center | 1978 Presentation — E82 | The Epcot Legacy


EPCOT Center | 1978 Presentation


If you were to ask even the most avid of Epcot fans exactly how many films were produced before the park's premiere, almost everyone would respond quite confidently with a single film. 1966's "The EPCOT Film" although the first*, was only one of several (!) Epcot Films made over the developmental history of the Florida Project. The following is an enhanced & color-corrected print of the 1978 presentation depicting the park midway through its evolution from the City to the Center in what I refer to is as the "Gold Dome" phase.

Among the many interesting aspects of this film, is a preamble to the primary presentation of the park featuring a plethora of prototype systems already in use at Walt Disney World, as well as the EPCOT "support programs" such as the shortly-lived Epcot Educational Media division of the studio. Finally, Card's impassioned plea to find solutions to the problems of a very real world establishes a very strong connection between Walt's EPCOT and Walker's Center. From 1978, written by Marty Sklar here is EPCOT Center...

Many of these presentations begin with a very long prologue of past accomplishments of the studio.
I would recommend selecting Chapter 5 "Objectives" to jump right into the Epcot-centered content! 

"The EPCOT Film", as we now call it, is more of a descriptive term and not an actual title. The proper title of this pivotal presentation is actually “Project Florida - A Whole New Disney World”

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