Logo Series: ISTC — E82 | The Epcot Legacy

Logo Series: ISTC

Logo Series


From the official backstory,
“It is the year 2036, and advances in space technology have finally made the exploration of our solar system possible. The world is undergoing a renaissance of the spirit of the 1960’s, when space represented our destiny. Several space stations are in orbit around earth, and robotic teams have been exploring neighboring planets for many years. Now astronaut teams are being sought for missions to nearby planets and asteroids. So many astronauts are needed, in fact, that the space organizations of the world have come together to form the INTERNATIONAL SPACE TRAINING CENTER.”

Inspired by the final graphic of all training videos, the latest edition to the Logo Series, features the poignantly symbolic ISTC Logo with Black, White & Gold treatment surrounded by trajectories representing the eight (sorry Pluto) planets of our solar system.  

Created: February 26, 2016